Naviextras Toolbox Download For Mac Download Firefox Quantum For Mac Digi Rabbit Field Utility Download Mac Os X Snow Leopard Download Svp Keygen Software. Please choose a device for which you would like to purchase updates and extras. AVIC-F960BT EU/AVIC-F960DAB EU/AVIC-F860BT EU. AVIC-F60DAB AU/AVIC-F960DAB AU. Subaru Toolbox is a utility designed to connect your navigation device with your computer (PC or Mac). It enables you to see all available updates, download the necessary files from the internet and upload updates and new content to your navigation device. DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS. DOWNLOAD FOR OS X. The Subaru Toolbox is a Windows,- and Mac-based program designed to install and organize map content on your navigation device. It enables you to install free updates made available by the manufacturer of your device. It also enables you to purchase a wide variety of extra content, including maps, 3D content, traffic information, and road.
If you want to stay up to date on all Harley Davidson Boom!™ Box updates and issues; subscribe to the free Law Abiding Biker Email list:
BLOG-Now standard on many of the new 2014 Harley Davidson Touring Models is the Boom Box Infotainment System. Law Abiding Biker (LAB) Motorcycle Podcast and Media created a very detailed instructional video on how to set up and utilize the new Harley Davidson Boom Box Infotaiment System, as the instructions that come with it are lacking to say the least.
I purchased a 2014 Harley Davidson Street Glide Special, which comes standard with the Boom Box 6.5GT Infotaiment System. There was a ton of information lacking on this system and where you could update its software versions and maps. I had many questions from the Law Abiding Biker Motorcycle Community, so I decided that Law Abiding Biker Motorcycle Podcast and Media should begin investigating this matter. Of course, I also need to know for myself, as I have this system on my Harley Davidson. I spent much time investigating this through email chains and phone calls. I was frustrated many times, as I was being put through many phone trees and talking to many people, whom did not have the answers to my questions.
I was in contact with both Harley Davidson and NaviExtras, whom have partnered on this built in system. We will get to that in a moment. I advised persons I spoke with that I was going to produce a Law Abiding Biker Motorcycle Podcast covering this matter and write a BLOG, so they were really hustling to try and get me the answers.
People truly wanted to help me, but as I quickly found out, the Boom Box Infotainment System was so new that persons at Harley Davidson and at NaviExtras were undeducated on the system. In fact, persons at NaviExtras did not even know they supported the built in Boom Box Infotainment System, but it states in the Harley Davidson manuals you get when you buy a 2014 Touring Model, to go to NaviExtras website for all your map updates and additional maps. I was a bit embarassed for both companies at this point. I am a die hard Harley Davidson supporter and rider, but I am also fair and blanced. Harley Davidson is far from perfect, so I am just reporting the truth here.
I learned that Harley Davidson is going to handle all the downloadable software updates for the Boom Box Infotainment System on their website, while NaviExtras is going to handle all the GPS map updates (at a price) and the ability to purchase additional maps on their website. Wow, they sure made this more confusing for the consumer than it needed to be. So, Harley Davdison and NaviExtras have partnershiped in providing support for the Boom Box Infotainment System.
So, you grab a thumb drive/memory stick, 8gb or better, go to the Harley Davidson website, download the new Boom Box operating system updates, plug the memory stick into the USB port in your new Harley Davidson's Juke Box Compartment, and upload the new version. The same steps are taken if you want to update your maps or put new ones on your system, except you go to NaviExtras.
You can also go to Harley Davidson's Ride Planner and download your routed trip onto the memory stick and upload it into the Boom Box System's GPS the same wa
A huge amount of Law Abiding Bikers/Motorcyclists and Harley Davidson owners, and the general public for that matter, wisely use a MAC instead of a PC. MAC is all many people now have in their homes and businesses for good reasons. Why would such a large company like Harley Davison not support MAC and only support PC?. There is absolutely no excuse for that.
After much effort, I reached someone fairly high up at Harley Davidson, who could answer my questions-not really. He confirmed that Harley Davidson does not support the use of MAC for the new Boom Box Infotainment System and only supports PC. I dug further and asked him if they were working towards MAC support. Of course his reply was, “we really can't comment on anything we might be working on”. He could not give me any valid information on wether or not MAC support was coming. I considered this rather poor customer service and poor public information for such a large company like Harley Davidson that I have put my hard earned money into.
NaviExtras did finally figure out they are supporting the system-LOL. They now have a big slider picture of the Harley Davidson Boom Box Infotaiment System on their Harley Davidson section of their website. Imagine that? Here is a direct quote from an email they sent me: “We are happy to inform you that our company plans to release Toolbox to other platforms as well (Linux, Mac), but at the moment they are not yet available. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide you any information about a possible release date. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.” So this year? Maybe 5 years? At least they are working on it I guess.
So basically, NaviExtras is loosing a HUGE market share, because MAC owners can't purchase and download their very expensive maps at this point. You would think their marketing department would be smarter than this? I absolutely won't purchase or download anything from NaviExtras until they have MAC support and I suggest you do the same.
My suggestion is to call Harley Davidson 1-800-258-2464 prompt #2 and demand MAC support for software updates for the Boom Box Infotainment System. We are the paying customers and deserve this from Harley Davidson. If nobody complains then Harley Davidson will definitely sit on this issue. I strongly suggest you do the same to NaviExtras, who is partnershipped with Harley Davidson and also owes this to us. The only way to light a fire in them is to overwhelm them with inquiries and concern about this issue.
Make sure to tune into the Law Abiding Biker Motorcycle Podcast, where in a future episode we will be discussing this lack of MAC support for the Harley Davidson Boom Box Infotainment System. I will get much more detailed in my verbal description on the podcast and advise of any new information or updates on the matter.
Don't forget that if you want a full step-by- step tutorial video on how to set up and operate the Boom Box Infotainment System CLICK HERE.
-Ride safe and keep the rubber side down
If you purchased update(s), please click on the “Updates” button in the menu bar on the left hand side. This is the last step to update your navigation device or software.
The “Updates” button will open a screen which shows all available updates, including:
- Items that you have purchased but not yet installed (updates or extras),
- Free updates and extras that you added to the installation queue from the “Shop”,
- Special free updates (which are normally pay updates but your manufacturer or the
Site operator provides them to you free of charge).
If you click on “Install”…, Naviextras Toolbox will install every available content onto your device. It is highly recommended to create a backup before this (Naviextras Toolbox will also prompt you with this option) to avoid data loss.
Naviextras For Mac
After creating a backup, Naviextras Toolbox will start downloading and installing the selected updates. A double status bar shows you the progress: the one on top shows the total ratio of the job already done, and the one at the bottom shows progress with the current file. Please wait until you receive a message that the operation is completed.
If you do not have enough space on the device, this option is not available for you. Also, if you do not wish to install everything at once, you can choose between updates to install on your device by clicking “More”…
Advanced options
You have several options to review the available updates in detail:
If you click “More”…, you will find a map showing you the regions where updates are available.
1. The map shows you all the regions that you have updates for
2. You can see the specifics of the updates in this field. You can also see more detailed information when clicking on the „Info” button to the right of each package.
3. This bar will show you the amount of space the current content takes up (in grey), the size increment that will occur after the selected updates (in green) as well as the remaining free space on your device (the portion of the bar that is not filled). Simply mouse over the bar for more detailed information.
For a detailed view, go to the Advanced install wizard where you can organise your contents one-by-one.
For this, click “Advanced”... to enter the Advanced install wizard.
Here you can find all the files related to map contents and other extras that are already on your device or those that can be updated with your latest purchases or free updates.
In this menu, Naviextras Toolbox allows you to select and install individual items from a purchased package in case you choose not to install everything (e.g., because of the lack of free space).
1. You can use these buttons to expand or hide the individual packages
2. Name of the package
3. You can select to “Remove”, “Keep” or “Upgrade” the individual items within a package. Clicking on these buttons indicating the state of the content they will change to a drop-down menu, allowing you to select what you wish to do with the package.
4. This area shows the size increment as well as the disk space that will remain after the update.
Naviextras Toolbox For Mac
You can select which regions or content types you wish to “Upgrade”, “Keep” or “Remove”. If you keep a region or type as it is, no updates will be performed on this region/type. If you remove a region, all previously installed updates and pre-installed data will be removed from this region.
You can remove or update files one by one if you click on the “+ “next to the region.
Please only install the maps and other extras that you (actually) need at the given time and remove what you do not need anymore (you can avoid running out of space on your drive like this).
Please do not remove pre-installed contents as this may harm your device. (You can see this under the green bar of the update).
You will see the size increment information on the bottom of this window.
To make sure you avoid the loss of data, please create a backup through Naviextras Toolbox before performing removal and installation.
Click “Apply changes”... to start installing the selected updates and to perform all selected actions. The installation process is then the same as in the case of a simple installation.
Naviextras Mac Os
After installation, the purchased updates will no longer appear under the “Updates” tab. You can, however, always re-install purchased contents in the Advanced install wizard.